Fragaria x ananassa 'Gasana'

Fragaria x ananassa 'Gasana'
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Serrate; Erose
Winter hardness Good (USDA-zone 5, 6)
Flower color Pink-medium blue pink-N057D
Fruit color Red
Soil fertility No poor soils
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm; 20 - 30 cm
Flowering month(s) May; June; July; August; September; October
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement erect
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Tricompound
Plant, growth type Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist

The Fragaria x ananassa 'Gasana' is a variety of strawberry plant that offers an abundance of beautiful flowers and delicious fruit. With its single flower type, serrate and erose leaf margins, and good winter hardiness, this strawberry plant is a popular choice among gardeners in USDA zones 5 and 6.

One notable feature of the 'Gasana' strawberry is its flower color. The flowers are a medium blue-pink shade, with the specific color being N057D. This adds a lovely touch of color to any garden or landscape. The fruit, on the other hand, is a classic red color, ideal for those seeking traditional strawberry appearance.

When it comes to soil fertility, the 'Gasana' strawberry prefers to avoid poor soils. It thrives best in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil, ensuring optimal growth and fruit production. It is always recommended to enrich the soil with organic matter to enhance its fertility and provide a suitable environment for this strawberry variety to thrive.

In terms of size, the 'Gasana' strawberry is a compact plant. It typically reaches a height of 10-20 cm and occasionally grows taller, up to 30 cm. This makes it a great choice for both gardens and containers, as it does not take up too much space.

The 'Gasana' strawberry is known for its long flowering period. It blooms from May until October, covering many months with its erect inflorescence. This ensures a steady supply of flowers throughout the summer season, adding beauty and elegance to the garden.

The leaves of the 'Gasana' strawberry are tricompound, with a dark green color as the main shade. This provides a beautiful contrast against the pink flowers and red fruits, creating a visually appealing display.

In terms of light conditions, the 'Gasana' strawberry prefers sunny locations. It thrives best when exposed to full sunlight, which enhances its growth and fruit production. Adequate sunlight also improves the flavor and sweetness of the strawberries.

When it comes to moisture requirements, the 'Gasana' strawberry prefers well-drained soil. It does not tolerate waterlogged conditions, as this can lead to root rot and other issues. However, it also benefits from consistent moisture, so regular watering is necessary, especially during dry periods.

In conclusion, the Fragaria x ananassa 'Gasana' is a stunning variety of strawberry plant that offers beautiful pink flowers, red fruits, and compact growth. With its ability to thrive in USDA zones 5 and 6, along with its preference for sunny locations and well-drained soil, this strawberry plant is a fantastic addition to any garden or landscape. Whether you're a fan of beautiful blooms or delicious strawberries, the 'Gasana' is sure to delight both gardeners and berry enthusiasts alike.

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