Fragaria x ananassa 'Grandian'

Fragaria x ananassa 'Grandian'
Flower type Single
Fruit type Pseudocarp/syncarp
Leaf margin Erose
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Fruit-bearing Long
Flower color White-white-999D
Fruit color Red
Soil fertility No poor soils
Leaf, general shape Obovate (reversed egg-shaped)
Flower diameter 2,5 - 3 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Inflorescence Panicle
Fruit size Large
Leaf duration Evergreen
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Tricompound
Flower sex (distribution) Monoecious (flowers bisexual)
Leaf, main color Dark green
Fruit, maturing period Early
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist

The Fragaria x ananassa 'Grandian' is a variety of strawberry that boasts a multitude of attractive characteristics. With its single flowers and large, red fruit, it is a favorite among gardeners and strawberry enthusiasts.

The flowers of the 'Grandian' are single in type, giving them a simple yet elegant appearance. The fruit, which is a pseudocarp/syncarp, is large in size and matures early, making it a desirable choice for those who are eager to enjoy their strawberries as soon as possible.

The foliage of the 'Grandian' is just as impressive as its flowers and fruit. The leaves have an erose margin and are obovate in shape, resembling a reversed egg. They are evergreen, providing a lush and green backdrop throughout the year. The leaves are also tricompound, further enhancing the plant's aesthetic appeal.

In terms of size, the 'Grandian' is relatively small, reaching heights of only 10 to 20 cm. This makes it ideal for gardens with limited space, as it can be easily accommodated in pots or small planting areas. Despite its small stature, the plant produces long fruit-bearing stems, ensuring a bountiful harvest.

The 'Grandian' thrives in sunny conditions and requires well-drained, moist soil. It does not tolerate poor soils, so it is essential to provide it with fertile ground for optimal growth. Additionally, the plant's dark green leaves and unicolored pattern add visual interest to the garden.

One noteworthy feature of the 'Grandian' is its panicle inflorescence, which creates a stunning display of white flowers with a diameter of 2.5 to 3 cm. These flowers are monoecious and bisexual, meaning they possess both male and female reproductive structures. This makes the plant highly efficient in terms of pollination and fruit production.

Overall, the Fragaria x ananassa 'Grandian' is a delightful strawberry variety that is sure to please both gardeners and fruit enthusiasts. Its attractive flowers, large and flavorful fruit, and compact size make it an excellent option for any small garden or container. With proper care and attention, this strawberry will reward its grower with a delicious harvest year after year.

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