Gentiana 'Velvet Glove'

Gentiana 'Velvet Glove'
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Blue-dark violet blue-096A
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 1,5 - 2 cm
Flower length/hight 6 - 6,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf width 2 - 3 cm; 3 - 4 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Gentiana 'Velvet Glove' is a beautiful Gentian variety that boasts an array of impressive features. Its dark green lanceolate leaves are arranged in a crosswise opposite manner, with a pointed or acute tip. The leaves themselves can measure between 10 to 15 centimeters in size, and their width ranges from 2 to 4 centimeters.

The true charm of this Gentian lies in its striking flowers. The single flowers, found in raceme inflorescence, display a mesmerizing blue-dark violet blue color. These unscented blooms have a diameter of 1.5 to 2 centimeters and a length or height of 6 to 6.5 centimeters. The flower color is distributed uniformly across the petals, creating a captivating display.

Gentiana 'Velvet Glove' is a fantastic choice for any garden or landscape design. With its vibrant blues and lanceolate leaves, it adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. This Gentian is sure to grab attention and become a focal point with its unicolored flower distribution.

The beauty of Gentiana 'Velvet Glove' extends beyond its physical appearance. This plant is known for its resilience and ability to flourish in various environments. It can adapt to different soil types, making it suitable for a wide range of garden settings. Additionally, it is a hardy plant that can withstand cold temperatures and the occasional frost.

To cultivate Gentiana 'Velvet Glove' successfully, ensure it receives an adequate amount of sunlight. This plant thrives in full sun to partial shade conditions. It also prefers a well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Regular watering is necessary to maintain optimal growth and to prevent the soil from drying out completely.

In conclusion, Gentiana 'Velvet Glove' is a stunning Gentian variety that will undoubtedly enhance any garden or landscape. Its dark green lanceolate leaves and unicolored blue-dark violet blue flowers are a sight to behold. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it is also a resilient plant that can adapt to different environments. Consider adding Gentiana 'Velvet Glove' to your garden for a touch of elegance and beauty.

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