Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky

Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky
Flower color Purple-medium purple-061B
Flower diameter 12 - 13 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky, also known as the Transvaal Daisy, is a stunning flower that adds a vibrant touch to any garden or floral arrangement. With its unique characteristics, it is no wonder why this flower is highly sought after by gardening enthusiasts.

One of the most striking features of the Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky is its captivating purple-medium purple color. The deep, rich hue adds a touch of elegance and refinement to any space it graces. Whether used as a centerpiece or as a border plant, these flowers are sure to catch the eye and create a focal point.

Measuring an impressive 12 to 13 cm in diameter, the flowers of the Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky are quite substantial. Their size makes them a standout among other flowers and allows them to make a bold statement. Even from a distance, these flowers are sure to captivate attention and draw people closer to appreciate their beauty.

The inflorescence of this variety is a capitulum, also commonly referred to as a head. These inflorescences consist of multiple individual flowers tightly clustered together, creating a visually appealing arrangement. This unique structure further adds to the distinctive nature of the Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky.

The flower color distribution of this variety is unicolored, meaning that the entire flower is the same vibrant shade of purple. This consistent color distribution adds a sense of unity and harmony to the overall appearance of the flower. It allows for a cohesive and balanced look that is visually pleasing to the observer.

Whether used in a bouquet or planted in a garden bed, the Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped Gerpasta Funky is sure to make a statement. Its stunning purple-medium purple color, large flower diameter, unique inflorescence, and unicolored distribution all contribute to its undeniable charm. Consider adding this flower to your garden or floral arrangements to bring a touch of vibrancy and sophistication to your space.

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