Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile

Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower color Pink-light blue pink-056C
Flower diameter 7 - 7,5 cm
Flower length/hight 1,5 - 2 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile, also known as the Transvaal Daisy, is a stunning flower that is sure to catch anyone's eye. With its double (pleniflorous) petals and beautiful pink and light blue color, this Gerbera is truly a sight to behold.

Measuring at a diameter of 7 - 7.5 cm, the flowers of the Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile are not only visually appealing but also quite sizeable. The individual flowers themselves range in height from 1.5 - 2 cm, making them a perfect addition to any floral arrangement or garden bed.

The Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile produces its flowers in an inflorescence known as the capitulum or head. This means that multiple flowers are clustered together, creating a stunning visual impact. This form of inflorescence adds depth and texture to any display, making it a popular choice for flower enthusiasts and professionals alike.

One of the most striking characteristics of the Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile is its color distribution. The flower boasts a unicolored pattern, which means that the entire petal is a single shade of pink-light blue pink (056C). This monochromatic color scheme adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the overall appearance of the flower.

Whether used in bouquets, floral arrangements, or as an ornamental plant in a garden, the Gerbera mini globose Dottie Odile is guaranteed to make a statement. Its pleniflorous petals, vibrant color, and unique inflorescence make it a real showstopper. With its ability to add a touch of class to any setting, it is no wonder that the Transvaal Daisy is highly sought after by flower enthusiasts around the world.

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