Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue'

Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue'
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark red-042A; Red-dark red-045A
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution With trace; Bicolored

The Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue,' also known as the Transvaal Daisy, is a stunning flower that adds a vibrant touch to any garden or arrangement. With its single petal structure, this Gerbera mini variety stands out with its bold and beautiful colors.

The flower color of the Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue' varies between red-dark red-042A and red-dark red-045A. These deep, rich hues create a captivating visual display that is sure to catch the eye. The contrasting shades of red give the flower a unique and dynamic appearance.

Measuring around 7.5 to 8 cm in diameter, the Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue' is comparatively smaller than other Gerbera daisies. This compact size adds a delicate and charming quality to the flower, making it an ideal choice for bouquets and floral arrangements.

The inflorescence of the Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue' is in the form of a capitulum or a head. This characteristic contributes to the overall shape and structure of the flower, adding interest and complexity. The capitulum inflorescence also allows for a more concentrated and eye-catching display of the colorful petals.

What sets the Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue' apart is its unique flower color distribution. The petals of this variety display a captivating bicolored effect with a trace of one color merging with another. This distinct color distribution adds depth and dimension to the flower's appearance, making it even more visually appealing.

Whether used in floral arrangements or as part of a garden display, the Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue' is a fascinating flower that will undoubtedly grab attention. Its single petal structure, rich red hues, compact size, capitulum inflorescence, and bicolored petals with a trace all contribute to its exceptional visual appeal.

Including the Gerbera mini 'Bienvenue' in your garden or floral arrangements will not only add a pop of color but also introduce a touch of elegance and uniqueness. With its captivating appearance, this Transvaal Daisy is sure to bring joy and beauty to any space it occupies.

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