Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped 'Pasta Primavera'

Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped 'Pasta Primavera'
Flower type Single
Flower color Orange-dark orange-N025B
Flower diameter 13 - 14 cm
Inflorescence Capitulum (head)
Flower color distribution Multi-colored; With trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Green-medium yellow green-150C; Yellow-medium yellow-002A

The Gerbera large flowered curl-shaped variety named 'Pasta Primavera' is a stunning addition to any garden. This particular type of Gerbera, also known as the Transvaal Daisy, features vibrant orange and dark orange petals with a hint of green and yellow.

The flowers of the 'Pasta Primavera' Gerbera are single in type, meaning they consist of a single layer of petals. With a diameter of 13 to 14 cm, these flowers are impressively large and eye-catching. The inflorescence, or the arrangement of flowers on the stem, is in the form of a capitulum or a head.

What makes the 'Pasta Primavera' Gerbera truly unique is its multi-colored flower color distribution with a trace of other hues. In addition to the dominant orange and dark orange petals, these beautiful flowers have secondary colors of green, medium yellow-green, and medium yellow.

The combination of these colors creates a visually striking display, making the 'Pasta Primavera' Gerbera a standout in any garden or floral arrangement. Whether used as a focal point in a flower bed or as part of a bouquet, this variety is sure to capture attention and add a touch of vibrant beauty.

The 'Pasta Primavera' Gerbera is a relatively easy plant to care for, making it suitable for both experienced and novice gardeners. It prefers well-draining soil and requires regular watering to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. This variety thrives in a sunny location, so make sure to provide it with plenty of direct sunlight.

To encourage continuous blooming, it is essential to deadhead the faded flowers regularly. This involves removing the spent blooms by cutting the stem just above a set of leaves or buds. Deadheading helps redirect the plant's energy towards producing new flowers and promotes a longer blooming season.

With its large, vibrant, and multi-colored flowers, the 'Pasta Primavera' Gerbera is a showstopper in any garden. Whether grown as a standalone plant or as part of a colorful floral arrangement, it will undoubtedly bring a touch of joy and visual appeal.

Consider including the 'Pasta Primavera' Gerbera in your garden or floral displays for a burst of color and charm that will brighten any space.

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