Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'Ile de France'

Gladiolus (Large-flowered Grp) 'Ile de France'
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark red-042A
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Inflorescence length 40 - 50 cm
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Red-dark red-N045A

Gladiolus 'Ile de France' is a stunning variety of sword lily that belongs to the Large-flowered Group. With its single blooms and red-dark red color, this gladiolus is a gorgeous addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

The flowers of 'Ile de France' measure approximately 8.5 to 9 centimeters in diameter, creating a visual impact that is hard to ignore. The inflorescence length, or the length of the flower spike, ranges from 40 to 50 centimeters, making it an eye-catching feature in any floral display.

What sets this gladiolus apart is its color distribution. The flowers are described as unicolored with a trace, meaning they have a consistent red-dark red hue with slight variations throughout the petals. This subtle color variation adds depth and interest to each bloom, making it even more captivating.

In addition to the primary color, the 'Ile de France' gladiolus may also have secondary red-dark red markings. These secondary colorations, located on the petals or other flower parts, enhance the overall visual appeal and make the flower even more visually striking.

Growing a Gladiolus 'Ile de France' in your own garden can be a rewarding experience. This variety thrives in well-drained soil and full sunlight, making it relatively easy to care for. It is recommended to plant the corms, or underground storage organs, in spring for a summer bloom.

To create a stunning floral arrangement with 'Ile de France,' consider complementing its rich red-dark red color with contrasting flowers or foliage. White flowers or green foliage can provide a striking contrast and highlight the beauty of the gladiolus blooms.

The 'Ile de France' gladiolus is not only a beautiful addition to gardens and floral displays but also symbolizes various meanings. Gladiolus flowers, in general, are associated with strength, integrity, and infatuation, making them a perfect choice for expressing deep emotions or celebrating important milestones.

In conclusion, Gladiolus 'Ile de France' is a remarkable sword lily variety with its large, single blooms in a striking red-dark red color. Its unicolored with trace distribution and secondary red-dark red markings add depth and visual interest to each flower. Whether grown in a garden or used in floral arrangements, this gladiolus variety is sure to capture attention and symbolize powerful emotions.

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