Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans'

Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans'
Flower scent Sweet scented
Flower color Purple-dark blue violet-N089C; Blue-light blue violet-091C
Flower diameter 3 - 3,5 cm
Flower length/hight 1,5 - 2 cm
Inflorescence length 10 - 15 cm
Inflorescence diameter 5 - 10 cm
Flower color distribution Bicolored; Marginate

The Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans' is a stunning flower that exudes a sweet scent. Its flowers showcase a beautiful color palette, ranging from deep purple-dark blue violet to a lighter blue-light blue violet shade (N089C and 091C, respectively). The flower diameter measures between 3 to 3.5 cm, while its length and height span from 1.5 to 2 cm.

One of the standout features of the Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans' is its impressive inflorescence. The length of the inflorescence can reach anywhere between 10 to 15 cm, with a diameter ranging from 5 to 10 cm. This means that each stem of this charming flower carries a cluster of blooms, making it a true showstopper.

What makes the Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans' even more fascinating is its bicolored flower color distribution. This means that the petals of the flower have distinct variations in color, creating a captivating display. Additionally, each petal is marginate, a term used to describe when the edge of a petal is a slightly different color or shade than the rest of the petal.

The Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans' is a popular choice among flower enthusiasts and gardeners alike due to its mesmerizing appearance and delightful scent. Its vibrant colors and unique flower shape make it an excellent addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

When planting the Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans,' it is important to consider its requirements. This flower thrives in well-drained soil and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is a bulbous plant, so it is important to plant the bulbs at the appropriate depth for optimal growth. With proper care and maintenance, this variety of Hyacinthus orientalis can bloom year after year, filling your garden with its enchanting fragrance and eye-catching colors.

Whether you choose to admire the Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans' in a garden setting or bring them indoors to enjoy their scent, these flowers are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression. Their unique color distribution and marginate petals make them a truly special addition to any floral display. So, embrace the beauty and charm of the Hyacinthus orientalis 'Blue Jeans' and let its sweet scent and stunning appearance uplift your space.

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