Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Diamond (blue)

Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Diamond (blue)
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Blue-medium blue-104C
Flower diameter 5,5 - 6 cm; 6 - 6,5 cm; 5 - 5,5 cm
Inflorescence Hemispherical
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
soil pH requirement Neutral (pH 6,5 - 7,5); Slightly acidic (pH 4,5 - 6,5); Alkaline (pH > 7,5)
Light conditions Semi-shades; Sunny
Leaf, main color Medium green
Leaf colour, pattern Veined
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Leaf, secondary color(s) Light green
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist

The Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Diamond is a stunning blue-flowered hydrangea that will add a touch of elegance to any garden. With its pointed/acute leaf tips and single flower type, it is sure to catch the eye of any passerby.

One of the unique features of the Magical Diamond is its unscented flowers. While some may prefer a fragrant flower, the lack of scent allows the plant to focus its energy on producing beautiful, vibrant blooms. Speaking of which, the flower color is described as a medium blue, specifically in the shade of 104C. The flower diameter varies between 5.5-6 cm, 6-6.5 cm, and 5-5.5 cm, making each flower a delicate and precise beauty.

The inflorescence of this hydrangea is hemispherical, meaning the flowers form a rounded cluster. This arrangement showcases the individual flowers while maintaining a cohesive and attractive look. The leaves of the Magical Diamond hydrangea are also noteworthy, measuring between 10-15 cm in size. Their main color is a medium green, with veining that adds texture and interest.

When it comes to soil pH, the Magical Diamond hydrangea is versatile. It can thrive in a neutral pH environment (6.5-7.5), slightly acidic pH (4.5-6.5), or even alkaline conditions (pH above 7.5). This makes it a suitable choice for a wide range of garden soils. In terms of light conditions, the hydrangea prefers semi-shades but can also tolerate sunny areas. This flexibility allows for greater placement options when designing a garden layout.

The flower color distribution of the Magical Diamond hydrangea is unicolored, meaning the flowers display a consistent hue throughout. This provides a sense of harmony and uniformity in the overall appearance of the plant. As for the secondary leaf color, it is a light green, offering a subtle contrast to the medium green of the main leaf color.

To thrive, the Magical Diamond hydrangea requires well-drained soil and moderate moisture levels. This implies that excess water should be allowed to drain away to prevent waterlogged roots. However, the soil should not be completely dried out either, as the plant needs a consistent level of moisture to support its growth and flowering.

In summary, the Hydrangea macrophylla Magical Diamond is a visually striking plant with blue flowers and medium green leaves. It thrives in a variety of soil pH conditions and light levels, making it a versatile addition to any garden. While the flowers may be unscented, their beauty and the overall elegance of the plant more than compensate for it. With proper care and attention to moisture levels, the Magical Diamond hydrangea is sure to bring joy and enchantment to any garden space.

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