Hydrangea macrophylla 'Drenthe Dark White'

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Drenthe Dark White'
Flower type Single
Leaf margin Serrate; Erose
Flower color White-white-NN155C
Leaf, general shape Oval / elliptic
Petal edge Dentate; Entire; Erose
Flower diameter 4,5 - 5 cm
Plant height 30 - 40 cm; 20 - 30 cm
Inflorescence Hemispherical
Leaf width 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm; 7,5 - 10 cm
Inflorescence diameter 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Green

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Drenthe Dark White' is a stunning variety of hydrangea that showcases beautiful white flowers. With its single flower type and serrate, erose leaf margin, this particular hydrangea stands out from other varieties.

The general shape of the leaves is oval or elliptic, and they have a dark green color. They are also relatively large, with a width of 7.5 to 10 cm and a size ranging from 10 to 15 cm.

The flowers of Hydrangea macrophylla 'Drenthe Dark White' have a diameter of 4.5 to 5 cm and are arranged in a hemispherical inflorescence. The petals have a dentate, entire, erose edge, adding to the appeal of this elegant plant.

One of the unique characteristics of this variety is its flower color. The flowers exhibit a white-white-NN155C color, making them a pure and radiant shade of white. The distribution of the color on the petals is unicolored with a trace of secondary green hues, adding an interesting touch to the overall appearance.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Drenthe Dark White' can reach a height of 30 to 40 cm, with some plants growing slightly shorter at 20 to 30 cm. The inflorescence diameter is relatively large, ranging from 10 to 15 cm.

This particular hydrangea variety can be a stunning addition to any garden or landscape. Its white flowers and dark green leaves create a contrast that is visually appealing. Whether planted as a focal point or mixed with other plants, it will add a touch of elegance and beauty to any outdoor space.

With its unique characteristics and attractive features, Hydrangea macrophylla 'Drenthe Dark White' is surely a variety worth considering for anyone looking to enhance their garden or landscape. Its striking white flowers with hints of green are bound to capture the attention of anyone who sees them.

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