Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) 'Borno'

Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) 'Borno'
Flower type Single
Flower color Orange-dark orange-N025A
Leaf, general shape Linear; Lanceolate
Flower diameter 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement obliquely erect
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Lilium 'Borno' is a stunning variety of lily, belonging to the LA-hybrids Group. Its single-type flowers boast a captivating color palette that ranges from orange to dark orange, with a touch of N025A. The flower’s large diameter measures between 15 to 20 cm, making it an eye-catching addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

The leaves of the Lilium 'Borno' are characterized by their linear and lanceolate shape, giving them an elegant and elongated appearance. These leaves, measuring approximately 10 to 15 cm in length, are a vibrant dark green, providing a striking contrast to the vibrant flowers.

When in bloom, the Lilium 'Borno' displays its flowers in an obliquely erect arrangement. This unique flower arrangement adds a touch of sophistication and grace to any space. Whether planted in beds or used as cut flowers, this lily's inflorescence is sure to captivate the eye of any beholder.

The Lilium 'Borno' showcases a unicolored distribution of its vibrant flower colors. This means that the entire petal surface is consistently colored, without any variegation or color gradients. The unicolored appearance adds to the flower's overall impact and attractiveness.

In addition to its striking appearance, the Lilium 'Borno' is also known for its hardy nature and longevity. With proper care, this lily can thrive in various conditions and continue to bloom year after year, providing an enduring burst of color to any garden.

If you're looking to add a touch of vibrancy and elegance to your garden or floral arrangements, the Lilium 'Borno' is an excellent choice. Its single, large flowers in shades of orange and dark orange, set against a backdrop of dark green lanceolate leaves, create a captivating display. Plant it in your garden beds or use it as a focal point in floral arrangements, and enjoy the beauty of this exceptional lily variety for years to come.

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