Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) 'Tintoretto'

Lilium (LA-hybrids Grp) 'Tintoretto'
Flower type Single
Flower color Orange-dark orange-028A
Leaf, general shape Linear
Flower diameter 7,5 - 8 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement erect
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored with trace
Flower, secondary color(s) Orange-light orange-025C

Lilium 'Tintoretto' is a beautiful lily variety that belongs to the LA-hybrids Group. Known for its striking orange-dark orange flower color, this lily adds vibrancy and warmth to any garden or floral arrangement.

The flowers of 'Tintoretto' are single in form and have a diameter of approximately 7.5-8 cm. The petals showcase a captivating blend of orange and dark orange, creating a visually stunning display. The flower color distribution is predominantly unicolored, with a delicate trace of lighter shades of orange-light orange.

The inflorescence or flower arrangement of 'Tintoretto' is erect, making it a standout feature in any garden bed or bouquet. The upright growth habit allows the flowers to command attention, ensuring they are not overlooked among other plants.

The leaves of this lily variety have a linear shape, providing an elegant backdrop for the vibrant flowers. They typically grow to a size of 10-15 cm and boast a rich dark green color. The dark foliage complements the orange hues of the flowers, creating a delightful contrast that enhances the overall aesthetic appeal.

Lilium 'Tintoretto' is a versatile plant that fits well in various landscape settings. Whether planted in groups or as a focal point, this lily cultivar demands attention with its vivid colors and graceful form.

In addition to its ornamental value, 'Tintoretto' lily is also cherished for its ability to attract pollinators such as butterflies and bees. Its bright colors and enticing fragrance serve as a magnet for these vital creatures, supporting the ecosystem and promoting biodiversity in the garden.

To ensure healthy growth and the best performance, 'Tintoretto' lily prefers a well-drained soil and a location that receives ample sunlight. Adequate watering and regular fertilization will further enhance its vigor and flower production.

Whether showcased in a vase or blooming in the garden, Lilium 'Tintoretto' is sure to captivate admirers with its mesmerizing colors and graceful presence. Its unicolored orange-dark orange flowers, erect inflorescence, and dark green linear leaves make it a standout choice for those seeking a touch of elegance and vibrancy in their outdoor or indoor spaces.

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