Lilium (OT-hybrids Grp) Moonlight

Lilium (OT-hybrids Grp) Moonlight
Flower type Single
Flower color Yellow-medium yellow-007B
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence/Flower arrangement erect
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

The Lilium Moonlight, classified under the OT-hybrids Group, is a breathtaking lily that captures the essence of elegance and grace. Its single-flower type showcases a radiant yellow color, classified as medium yellow-007B, making it a delightful addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

The lanceolate-shaped leaves of the Lilium Moonlight add to its unique charm. With a size ranging between 15 to 20 cm, these dark green leaves provide a perfect contrast to the vibrant yellow blooms. The large flower diameter of 15 to 20 cm ensures that the Lilium Moonlight stands out in any setting.

When it comes to the arrangement of the flowers, the Lilium Moonlight displays an erect inflorescence. This means that the flowers are positioned in an upward direction, creating a visually arresting display. Whether planted in a garden bed or showcased in a vase, the erect arrangement of the flowers is sure to catch the eye of any beholder.

One of the key features of the Lilium Moonlight is its unicolored flower color distribution. Unlike some lilies that display a blend of colors or gradients, the Lilium Moonlight maintains a consistent and captivating shade of yellow throughout its petals. This uniformity adds to its allure and makes it a popular choice among lily enthusiasts.

Gardeners and flower enthusiasts will appreciate the beauty and versatility of the Lilium Moonlight. Its striking yellow blooms bring a touch of sunshine to any space, making it an ideal choice for brightening up a garden or adding a pop of color to a floral arrangement. Additionally, its erect inflorescence and lanceolate-shaped leaves provide an eye-catching display that is sure to turn heads.

Whether planted alongside other flowers or showcased as a standalone beauty, the Lilium Moonlight is guaranteed to make a statement. Its unicolored flower color distribution and large flower diameter ensure that it stands out from the crowd, creating a memorable and captivating presence.

In conclusion, the Lilium Moonlight is a remarkable lily that exudes beauty and charm. With its single-flower type, medium yellow-007B color, lanceolate-shaped leaves, erect inflorescence, and unicolored flower color distribution, it is a true spectacle to behold. Gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike will appreciate its ability to bring joy and vibrancy to any space. Embrace the allure of the Lilium Moonlight and let its radiant blooms illuminate your garden or floral arrangements.

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