Malus Magical Orange

Malus Magical Orange
Fruit type Pseudocarp/syncarp; Pome
Fruit shape Rounded-flattened
Fruit color Red-medium red-042B
Fruit size 1,5 - 2 cm

The Malus Magical Orange is a unique fruit that captivates with its mesmerizing characteristics. This pome, which is a type of pseudocarp/syncarp, stands out due to its rounded-flattened shape. But what truly sets it apart is its vibrant and striking fruit color, which can be described as a mesmerizing shade of red-medium red-042B.

Measuring between 1.5 to 2 centimeters in size, the Malus Magical Orange may seem small, but it packs a powerful punch when it comes to flavor. Its compact size belies its intense and delicious taste, making it a delightful treat for fruit enthusiasts.

This fruit is a result of careful cultivation and breeding, blending the best attributes of different varieties of Malus, the genus that includes apple and crabapple trees. The Malus Magical Orange showcases the ingenuity and dedication of horticulturists who tirelessly strive to create novel and extraordinary fruits.

When it comes to consumption, the Malus Magical Orange offers a versatile culinary experience. Its sweet and slightly tangy flavor profile pairs well with both sweet and savory dishes. Whether eaten fresh off the tree or incorporated into desserts, salads, or even savory dishes, this fruit's unique taste will surely delight the palate.

Not only does the Malus Magical Orange excel in taste, but it also boasts numerous health benefits. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this little gem contributes to a well-balanced diet. It is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. Its high fiber content also supports a healthy digestive system and aids in maintaining good cholesterol levels.

Beyond its nutritional value, the Malus Magical Orange is a visually stunning addition to any garden or orchard. Its bright red-medium red-042B hue adds a splash of color and creates an eye-catching focal point. Cultivating these trees not only yields an abundance of delectable fruits but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of any landscape.

For those who appreciate the artistry of nature, the Malus Magical Orange is a true marvel. Its rounded-flattened shape, mesmerizing red-medium red-042B color, and petite size create a fruit that is as captivating as it is delicious. Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into a variety of dishes, this fruit is sure to enchant both your taste buds and your overall sensory experience.

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Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: White-white-NN155B. Flower diameter: 1,5 - 2 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 40 - 50 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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138 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: Yellow-medium yellow green-001A. Flower diameter: 2 - 2,5 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 40 - 50 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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142 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Sweet scented. Flower color: Yellow-light yellow green-001C. Flower diameter: 1,5 - 2 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 40 - 50 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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143 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: Yellow-medium yellow orange-015C. Flower diameter: 2 - 2,5 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 30 - 40 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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142 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Sweet scented. Flower color: Yellow-light yellow-002D. Flower diameter: 1,5 - 2 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 40 - 50 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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143 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Unscented. Flower color: Yellow-medium yellow-002B. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 50 - 75 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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143 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Weak; Unscented. Leaf type: Foliage leaf. Flower color: White-white-NN155C; White. Leaf, general shape: Elongate. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Plant height: 1 - 1,2 m; 1,8 - 2 m. Inflorescence: Raceme; Raceme. Flowering month(s): May; June. Leaf...
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Flower type: Single. Flower scent: Weak. Flower color: Yellow-light yellow green-001C. Flower diameter: 1,5 - 2 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Inflorescence length: 30 - 40 cm. Inflorescence diameter: 5 - 10 cm. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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141 show
Flower scent: zwak onaangenaam. Flower color: Yellow-medium yellow orange-013B. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Flower color distribution: Unicolored. Flower, secondary color(s): Orange-medium yellow orange-022C.
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Flower scent: zwak onaangenaam. Flower color: Pink-light orange pink-029D. Flower diameter: 1,5 - 2 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme.
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Flower type: Single. Flower color: Yellow-medium yellow-005B. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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Flower color: Yellow-medium yellow-002B. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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143 shows
Flower type: Single. Flower color: Yellow-light yellow green-002C. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Flower, secondary color(s): Orange-light orange-024D.
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Flower type: Single. Flower color: Orange-medium yellow orange-017D. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme.
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91 show
Flower color: White-white-155C. Flower diameter: 2,5 - 3 cm. Inflorescence: Raceme. Flower color distribution: Unicolored.
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85 shows
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