Mandevilla sanderi Rio Burgundy

Mandevilla sanderi Rio Burgundy
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf tip Acuminate
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Red-dark purple red-187C
Leaf, general shape Elliptic / oval
Flower diameter 8,5 - 9 cm
Flower length/hight 7,5 - 8 cm
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf size 5 - 7,5 cm
Plant, growth type Pendulous; Climbing; Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Stunning Mandevilla Sanderi Rio Burgundy: A Perfect Addition to Any Garden

The Mandevilla sanderi Rio Burgundy is a spectacular plant that is sure to catch the eye of any garden enthusiast. This stunning flower is known for its beautiful deep red to dark purple-red color, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to any outdoor space.

One of the outstanding features of the Rio Burgundy is its crosswise opposite leaf arrangement. The leaves are elliptic or oval in shape, with a dark green hue that creates a striking contrast against the vibrant flowers. The leaves also have an acuminate tip, adding a touch of delicacy to the plant.

Speaking of flowers, the Mandevilla sanderi Rio Burgundy showcases single-flower types that are unscented. While they may lack fragrance, they more than make up for it with their breathtaking beauty. The flower diameter ranges from 8.5 to 9 cm, with a length of 7.5 to 8 cm. This makes them a substantial presence in any garden, demanding attention and admiration.

The flower color distribution is unicolored, with a striking red-dark purple-red shade, known as 187C in the color spectrum. This rich hue adds depth to the garden, making it a standout feature against a backdrop of greenery.

In terms of size, the leaves and flowers of the Rio Burgundy are quite versatile. The leaf size ranges from 5 to 7.5 cm in width and the same in length. This makes them large enough to create a lush appearance but not overpowering. The flower length or height is also between 7.5 and 8 cm, adding dimension and texture to the overall plant.

The Mandevilla sanderi Rio Burgundy is an incredibly versatile plant in terms of growth type. It can either grow in a pendulous manner, gracefully cascading down hanging baskets or containers, creating a stunning visual display. Alternatively, it can climb, allowing it to add a vertical element to trellises, walls, or fences. Finally, it can also grow in an erect manner, standing tall and proud, making it an excellent choice for garden beds or borders.

With its distinct features and stunning color, the Rio Burgundy is the perfect addition to any garden. Its ability to grow in various ways and its unicolored flower distribution make it an easy plant to incorporate into existing landscapes. Whether you have a traditional garden or a more modern and minimalist design, the Rio Burgundy is sure to add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication.

So, if you're looking to add a vibrant and eye-catching plant to your outdoor space, look no further than the Mandevilla sanderi Rio Burgundy. With its stunning flower color, versatile growth type, and striking leaf arrangement, this plant is guaranteed to become the crown jewel of your garden.

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Тип цветка: Двойной (многоцветковый). Цветочный аромат: Без запаха. Лист, общая форма: Ланцетовидный; Удлиненный. Диаметр цветка: 4 - 4,5 см. Длина/высота цветка: 4,5 - 5 см. Размер листа: 5 - 7,5 см. Длина соцветия: 15 - 20 см.
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Цветочный аромат: Без запаха. Лист, общая форма: Линейный. Диаметр цветка: 2,5 - 3 см. Длина/высота цветка: 3,5 - 4 см. Размер листа: 5 - 7,5 см. Длина соцветия: 15 - 20 см.
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Цветочный аромат: Без запаха. Лист, общая форма: Ланцетовидный. Диаметр цветка: 3 - 3,5 см. Длина/высота цветка: 4,5 - 5 см. Размер листа: 7,5 - 10 см; 5 - 7,5 см. Длина соцветия: 25 - 30 см.
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Расположение листьев: крест-накрест. Лист, общая форма: Ланцетовидный. Диаметр цветка: 2,5 - 3 см. Высота растения: 20 - 30 см. Длина/высота цветка: 3,5 - 4 см. Месяц(ы) цветения: Март; Апрель; Май; Июнь; Сентябрь; Октябрь. Ширина листа: 2 - 3 см. Размер листа: 5 - 7,5 см.
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Тип цветка: Двойной (многоцветковый). Цветочный аромат: Сладкий душистый. Лист, общая форма: Ланцетовидный. Диаметр цветка: 3,5 - 4 см. Длина/высота цветка: 4 - 4,5 см. Размер листа: 7,5 - 10 см. Длина соцветия: 10 - 15 см.
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Цветочный аромат: Без запаха. Лист, общая форма: Ланцетовидный. Диаметр цветка: 3 - 3,5 см. Длина/высота цветка: 3,5 - 4 см. Размер листа: 5 - 7,5 см. Длина соцветия: 15 - 20 см.
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