Petunia Fotofinish Trio mixed in pan

Petunia Fotofinish Trio mixed in pan
Winter hardness Not hardy (USDA-zone 9,10,11)
Plant height 20 - 30 cm; 10 - 20 cm
Flowering month(s) July; August; September; June; April; May

The Petunia Fotofinish Trio is a delightful mix of stunning colors that is sure to create a show-stopping display in any garden. This unique trio of petunias is perfect for adding a splash of color to your outdoor space.

One of the key factors to consider when choosing plants for your garden is their winter hardiness. Unfortunately, the Petunia Fotofinish Trio is not considered to be hardy in most areas. It is recommended for USDA zones 9, 10, and 11, which are typically found in warmer climates. If you live in these regions, consider yourself lucky as you can enjoy the beautiful blooms all year round.

When it comes to size, the Petunia Fotofinish Trio reaches a height of 20-30 cm, making them perfect for borders, containers, or hanging baskets. The compact nature of these plants allows them to fit into any space, making them versatile and ideal for those with limited gardening areas.

The flowering months for this trio are quite impressive, as they bloom from June to September. This extended flowering period ensures that your garden will be filled with a burst of color for a significant portion of the year. With flowers appearing as early as April and lasting well into September, the Petunia Fotofinish Trio is sure to create a stunning visual spectacle.

The variety of colors found within the Petunia Fotofinish Trio will captivate any onlooker. The mix includes a range of vibrant hues, from deep purples and pinks to bright yellows and whites. This stunning variety ensures that you will have a beautiful and eye-catching display that will brighten up your garden.

Caring for the Petunia Fotofinish Trio is relatively easy, as they are low-maintenance plants. They prefer full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. Regular watering is required to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Fertilizing every two weeks during the growing season will help promote healthy growth and continuous blooming.

Whether you choose to plant them in containers, borders, or hanging baskets, the Petunia Fotofinish Trio is sure to add a burst of color and beauty to any outdoor space. Their compact size, extended flowering period, and stunning color mix make them a perfect choice for both experienced gardeners and beginners alike. So why not brighten up your garden this summer with the Petunia Fotofinish Trio.

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