Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard

Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard
Lip width 1 - 2 cm
Flower color Purple-medium purple-NN074B; White-white-NN155C
Leaf, general shape Lanceolate
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Plant height 50 - 60 cm
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence length 20 - 25 cm
Lip color Purple-dark purple-071A
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Pink; Yellow
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Veined; Multi-colored

Introducing the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid, a truly exquisite and captivating addition to any garden or indoor space. With its stunning array of colors and unique characteristics, this orchid variety is sure to impress even the most discerning flower enthusiasts.

One of the most striking features of the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid is its lip width, measuring between 1 and 2 cm. The lip, or labellum, is the predominant feature of the flower and is known for its intricate shape and vibrant colors. In the case of this orchid variety, the lip color ranges from a rich purple to a medium purple shade, coded as NN074B, creating a mesmerizing contrast against the background.

Not limited to one color alone, the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid also boasts stunning white blooms, coded as NN155C, which add a touch of elegance to the overall aesthetic. The flower color distribution is not limited to solid colors but also features veined patterns, adding depth and complexity to each individual blossom.

As for the flower itself, the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid boasts an impressive diameter measuring between 9.5 and 10 cm, making it a sizable and eye-catching presence. Additionally, the inflorescence length is estimated to range between 20 and 25 cm, ensuring that each bloom is showcased beautifully and can be admired from a distance.

In terms of overall plant height, the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid reaches between 50 and 60 cm, making it a relatively compact orchid variety that can fit comfortably into various gardening arrangements. The leaves, with their lanceolate shape, add to the overall elegance of the plant and have a dark green hue that complements the vibrant flowers perfectly.

The leaves of the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid are not only visually pleasing but also possess ideal dimensions. With a width ranging from 5 to 7.5 cm and a size of 15 to 20 cm, the foliage strikes a delicate balance between being substantial enough to support the plant and not overpowering the beauty of the flowers.

Among the multitude of colors present in the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid, the lip showcases a predominant purple shade, specifically identified as dark purple-071A. The lip also features secondary colors in the form of pink and yellow, creating a multi-colored palette that further enhances the appeal of the flower.

In conclusion, the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid is a botanical masterpiece that combines exquisite colors, intricate lip formations, and balanced foliage proportions. With its size, vibrant veined patterns, and multi-colored lip, this orchid variety is a true feast for the eyes. Whether displayed as a centerpiece in a garden or as a potted plant in a living space, the Phalaenopsis Golden Leopard Orchid is guaranteed to infuse any setting with extraordinary beauty and elegance.

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