Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage

Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage
Lip width 1 - 2 cm
Flower color Yellow-light yellow-010B; Yellow-light yellow-010C
Leaf, general shape Elliptic / oval
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Plant height 50 - 60 cm
Leaf width 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf size 15 - 20 cm
Inflorescence length 20 - 25 cm
Lip color Yellow-medium yellow-012A
Leaf, main color Dark green
Lip secondary color(s) Red; White
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Meet the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage, a stunning orchid with its unique combination of colors and patterns. This mesmerizing flower is sure to catch the eye of any orchid enthusiast.

The Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage boasts a lip width of 1-2 cm and a flower diameter of 9.5-10 cm. The vibrant yellow and light yellow hues of its flowers give it a captivating look. It comes in two different variations, either with a yellow-light yellow-010B or yellow-light yellow-010C color scheme. The contrast between these two shades creates a beautiful and eye-catching display.

The leaves of this orchid have an elliptic or oval shape, with a dark green main color. They have a width of 7.5-10 cm and a size ranging from 15-20 cm. The overall appearance of the leaves adds depth and contrast to the flamboyant flowers, making it an even more captivating sight.

When in bloom, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage showcases its flowers on an inflorescence that ranges from 20-25 cm in length. The inflorescence gracefully extends above the plant, allowing the flowers to be showcased to their full potential. The flower color distribution is unicolored, further enhancing the elegance of this stunning orchid.

The lip of the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage is the centerpiece of its beauty. Its primary color is a mesmerizing medium yellow-012A, while its secondary colors include red and white. The lip's multi-colored distribution adds an exquisite touch, making it stand out even more against the solid-colored flowers.

With a plant height of 50-60 cm, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage makes an excellent addition to any indoor or outdoor garden. Whether placed in a pot or a hanging basket, this orchid will definitely be a showstopper.

Caring for the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage is relatively easy. It thrives in bright and indirect light, so placing it near a window with filtered sunlight will provide the optimal conditions. It also does well in average room temperatures, making it suitable for most households. Regular watering with attention to not overwatering is essential, as is proper humidity and proper ventilation to prevent any fungal diseases.

In conclusion, the Phalaenopsis Floriclone Mirage is a truly unique and breathtaking orchid with its stunning color combinations and elegant blooms. It is sure to add a touch of beauty and sophistication to any space it graces. Whether you are an experienced orchid collector or a beginner, this orchid is sure to captivate your heart with its unparalleled beauty.

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