Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace'

Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace'
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf tip Blunt/obtuse
Leaf margin Erose
Leaf, general shape Circular
Plant height 0 - 5 cm
Leaf surface Hairy
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Plant, growth type Trailing
Leaf, main color Green grey
Leaf colour, pattern Marginate
Leaf, secondary color(s) Dark green

Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace' is a unique and stunning plant that displays a variety of interesting leaf characteristics. This plant has a trailing growth type, making it an excellent choice for hanging baskets or cascading over the edges of planters. The plant typically reaches a height of 0 to 5 cm, making it a compact and versatile option for indoor or outdoor gardening.

One of the standout features of Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace' is its leaf arrangement, which is crosswise opposite. This means that the leaves are positioned in pairs opposite each other along the stem. The leaves are circular in shape, with a size range of 7.5 to 10 cm. They have a blunt or obtuse leaf tip, giving them a unique and distinctive appearance.

The leaf margin of Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace' is erose, meaning that the edges are irregularly notched or wavy. This adds an element of texture and visual interest to the plant. The leaf surface is covered in fine hairs, giving it a slightly fuzzy or hairy texture.

The main color of the leaves is a beautiful green-grey, which adds a soft and soothing element to any garden or indoor space. The leaf color is further enhanced by a marginate pattern, where the edge of the leaf is highlighted with a darker green shade. This creates a striking contrast and adds depth to the overall appearance of the plant.

In addition to the main color and pattern, the leaves may also feature secondary colors of dark green. These colors may appear as veins or patches on the leaf surface, further adding to the complexity and visual appeal of Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace'.

Overall, Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace' is a fascinating plant to include in any garden or indoor space. Its trailing growth type and compact size make it a versatile choice, while its unique leaf characteristics, such as crosswise opposite arrangement, erose margin, circular shape, and marginate pattern, make it a standout feature in any setting. Whether used as a focal point or as part of a larger plant arrangement, Plectranthus oertendahlii 'Emerald Lace' is sure to add beauty and intrigue to any environment.

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