Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville

Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Sinuate
Leaf, general shape Elongate
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf width 3 - 4 cm
Leaf surface Smooth; Dull
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Green-medium green-144A; Purple-dark brown-N077A
Leaf colour, pattern Marginate; Bicolored; Feathered

Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville is a stunning plant that is known for its beautiful and unique leaf characteristics. With its crosswise opposite leaf arrangement, pointed leaf tip, and sinuate leaf margin, it stands out from other plants in the garden.

The elongate shape of the leaves adds to its charm, reaching a height of 20 to 30 cm, making it a perfect choice for adding a touch of greenery to smaller spaces. Its herbaceous structure gives it a delicate and soft appearance.

The leaves of Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville are approximately 3 to 4 cm wide, with a smooth and dull surface. The size of the leaves ranges from 7.5 to 10 cm, providing ample coverage and a lush appearance.

The main color of the leaves is a vibrant green-medium green shade, giving it a fresh and lively look. However, what truly makes this plant stand out is the contrasting purple-dark brown color found along the margins of the leaves. This marginate pattern creates an eye-catching effect and adds depth and dimension to its overall appearance.

Not only does Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville possess a marginate leaf color pattern, but it is also bicolored and feathered. The combination of the green and purple-dark brown hues creates a striking contrast that is sure to captivate any onlooker.

Whether placed in a garden bed, a hanging basket, or a container, Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville is sure to add a touch of elegance and beauty to any space. Its unique leaf characteristics make it a favorite among gardeners and plant enthusiasts who appreciate plants with a bit of flair and individuality.

With its stunning colors and interesting leaf structure, Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Nashville is a must-have for those looking to add a pop of color and personality to their garden or indoor space. Whether used as a focal point or as part of a larger plant arrangement, this plant is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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