Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Greenville

Plectranthus (Coleus Grp) Down Town Greenville
Leaf arrangement crosswise opposite
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf margin Sinuate
Leaf, general shape Elongate; Elliptic / oval
Plant height 20 - 30 cm
Structure (tissues) Herbaceous
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf surface Smooth; Dull
Leaf size 10 - 15 cm
Plant, growth type Erect
Leaf, main color Green-light green-N144A; Red-dark purple red-185A
Leaf colour, pattern Multi-colored; Feathered
Leaf, secondary color(s) Yellow; Pink-medium brown purple-185D

One of the most popular plants in downtown Greenville is the Plectranthus, also known as the Coleus Grp. This striking plant has a unique leaf arrangement that is crosswise opposite, with a pointed or acute leaf tip. The leaf margin is sinuate, giving the plant an attractive and textured appearance.

The leaves of the Plectranthus are elongate and have an elliptic or oval shape, measuring about 10 to 15 centimeters in size. The plant itself stands at a height of 20 to 30 centimeters and is characterized by its herbaceous structure.

The leaf width ranges from 5 to 7.5 centimeters, and the surface is smooth but dull in appearance. This creates a subtle contrast against the vibrant colors of the leaves. Speaking of color, the Plectranthus displays a captivating range of hues. The main color of the leaves is a green-light green shade, designated as N144A according to color charts. However, certain varieties of the plant showcase leaves in a stunning red-dark purple red shade, categorized as 185A.

The Plectranthus leaves also exhibit a beautiful pattern, with their multi-colored and feathered appearance. This adds depth and visual interest to the plant, making it a standout in any garden or urban landscape. In addition to the primary colors, the leaves may also display secondary colors such as yellow and pink-medium brown-purple, represented by the color code 185D.

Growing in an erect fashion, the Plectranthus is a versatile plant that adds a touch of elegance to its surroundings. Its captivating color palette and interesting leaf characteristics make it a favorite among gardeners and plant enthusiasts alike. Whether planted in borders, containers, or as part of a larger landscape, the Plectranthus is sure to bring a vibrant and eye-catching element to downtown Greenville's green spaces.

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