Primula (Elatior Grp) Stieletto Pink

Primula (Elatior Grp) Stieletto Pink
Flower type Single
Flower scent Unscented
Winter hardness Not hardy (USDA-zone 9,10,11)
Flower color Pink-medium purple-067A
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Flowering month(s) January; November; December
Leaf width 5 - 7,5 cm
Leaf size 7,5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored; With Eye
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist
Soil type Humus rich

The Primula (Elatior Grp) Stieletto Pink is a stunning flowering plant that is sure to add a touch of color to any garden. With its single flower type and unscented petals, it may not fill the air with fragrance, but its vibrant pink-medium purple blooms make up for it.

Although this plant is not winter hardy in colder regions (USDA-zones 9, 10, 11), it is well worth cultivating for those fortunate enough to live in milder climates. The Primula Stieletto Pink has a compact size, reaching a height of only 5 to 10 cm, making it an ideal choice for border edges, rock gardens, or even container planting.

One of the most attractive features of this variety is its extended blooming period. With flowers emerging in January and continuing through November and December, it provides a welcome burst of color during the colder months when most plants are dormant. The flowers have a bicolored distribution, with the main color being a beautiful pink-medium purple and a contrasting yellow secondary color.

The Primula Stieletto Pink is known for its lush foliage as well. The dark green leaves, which measure around 5 to 7.5 cm in width and 7.5 to 10 cm in size, create a lovely backdrop for the vibrant flowers. The plant thrives in well-drained, moist soil and prefers a humus-rich environment to support its growth.

Gardeners looking to add variety and visual interest to their outdoor spaces will find the Primula (Elatior Grp) Stieletto Pink to be an excellent choice. Its compact size, extended blooming period, and stunning color combination make it a standout in any landscape. Whether planted in borders, rockeries, or containers, this plant is sure to create a focal point that will be admired by all who see it.

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