Rosa spray Orange Queen

Rosa spray Orange Queen
Flower type Double (pleniflorous)
Flower scent Unscented
Flower color Orange-medium orange-N025C
Flower diameter 4 - 4,5 cm
Flower length/hight 2 - 2,5 cm
Inflorescence Raceme
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored

Introducing the Gorgeous Rosa Spray Orange Queen Rose

Roses have mesmerized us for centuries with their beauty, elegance, and timeless appeal. Among the vast variety of roses available, the Rosa Spray Orange Queen stands out with its stunning features and vibrant orange color. Let's explore this exquisite flower in more detail.

The Rosa Spray Orange Queen boasts double (pleniflorous) petals, adding depth and charm to its appearance. Its unique feature lies in its unscented nature, making it perfect for those who prefer a rose without a strong fragrance. This attribute also makes it suitable for people who may have sensitivities to strong floral scents.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Orange Queen rose is its distinct medium orange color. The shade falls within the range of N025C, giving it a warm and enticing appeal. The intense orange tone is sure to add a burst of color to any floral arrangement or garden.

With a flower diameter ranging from 4 to 4.5 centimeters, the Orange Queen rose showcases its beauty in a compact size. The individual flower itself has a length and height of 2 to 2.5 centimeters, making it a perfect pick for creating delicate and charming arrangements.

The inflorescence of the Orange Queen rose is in the form of a raceme, consisting of several blooms clustered together. This arrangement adds an element of grace and symmetry to the overall look of the plant, making it a showstopper in any garden or floral display.

When it comes to foliage, the main color of the Orange Queen rose is a lush and vibrant dark green. This bold backdrop serves to enhance the striking orange color of the flowers, creating a visually pleasing contrast. The dark green leaves also add depth and texture to the overall appearance of the plant.

The uniform color distribution of the Orange Queen rose ensures that each blossom appears as a stunning, unicolored entity. This consistency adds to the visual appeal of the flower, giving it a polished and refined look.

Whether you are looking to add a pop of color to your garden, create a vibrant centerpiece for a special occasion, or simply appreciate the beauty of roses, the Rosa Spray Orange Queen is an excellent choice. With its double petals, unscented nature, medium orange color, and compact size, this rose offers a delightful blend of elegance and vibrancy. Its raceme inflorescence, dark green leaves, and uniform color distribution make it a visual delight. Consider adding this stunning rose variety to your floral collection and let it enchant you with its captivating charm.

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