Solanum jasminoides 'Album'

Solanum jasminoides 'Album'
Leaf tip Pointed/acute
Leaf base Cordate (heart-shaped)
Fruit type Berry
Leaf type Foliage leaf
Winter hardness Not hardy (USDA-zone 9,10,11)
Flower color White-white-155D
Light conditions Sunny
Leaf division Simple
Leaf colour, pattern Veined

Solanum jasminoides 'Album' is a captivating variety of nightshade that adds a touch of elegance to any garden. With its pointed and acute leaf tips and cordate (heart-shaped) leaf base, this plant is a true beauty. The foliage leaf type provides a lush and vibrant backdrop for the dazzling white berries that adorn its branches.

One of the notable characteristics of Solanum jasminoides 'Album' is its flower color. The delicate blooms boast a pure white shade, which is classified as white-white-155D by horticulturists. These pristine flowers stand out against the dark green foliage, creating a stunning contrast that is sure to catch anyone's eye.

When it comes to light conditions, this nightshade variety thrives in sunny areas. It craves the warmth and brightness of the sun, making it an excellent choice for gardens that receive ample sunlight. However, it is important to note that Solanum jasminoides 'Album' is not hardy in colder regions. It is best suited for USDA zones 9, 10, and 11, where the winter temperatures remain mild.

The leaves of this nightshade variety are simple in their division, with a veined pattern that adds texture and depth to the overall appearance. The intricate network of veins gives the leaves a unique and captivating look. Coupled with the glossy dark green color, these leaves enhance the plant's visual appeal even further.

Despite being non-hardy in certain regions, Solanum jasminoides 'Album' is well worth considering for gardens that fall within its suitable climate range. With its striking white flowers, heart-shaped leaves, and stunning berry fruits, this nightshade variety adds a touch of sophistication and charm to any outdoor space. Whether used as a standalone specimen or incorporated into a mixed planting scheme, Solanum jasminoides 'Album' is sure to captivate all who see it.

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