Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne'

Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne'
Flower type Single
Flower color Red-dark red-046B
Flower length/hight 6 - 6,5 cm
Flower color distribution Marginate; Bicolored
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-medium yellow-007A

Introducing Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne': A Stunning Red-Dark Red Tulip with Mesmerizing Color Variations

When it comes to vibrant and enchanting flowers that bring joy to your garden, look no further than Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne.' This single flowered tulip is a true showstopper, with its deep red-dark red petals that captivate the eyes. As you observe the flower closely, you'll notice its unique color distribution, with a marginate pattern that adds an extra layer of beauty. Additionally, the 'Fabiënne' tulip surprises us with its secondary color, a lovely medium yellow shade that complements the predominant red hues.

What sets the Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne' apart is not only its stunning color combination but also its flower length and height. Standing tall at 6-6.5 cm, this tulip demands attention with its impressive size. Picture yourself strolling through your garden and being greeted by these majestic flowers; their presence alone will bring a sense of elegance and sophistication to any landscape design.

One of the most exciting aspects of Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne' is its fringed petals. Delicately fringed along the edges, these petals add a touch of whimsy and playfulness to the overall appearance of the flower. As the wind gently caresses these fragile fringes, the 'Fabiënne' tulip dances and sways, creating a truly mesmerizing sight.

Not only is this tulip a delight to the eyes, but it also captivates the senses with its sweet fragrance. Imagine strolling through your garden, taking in the breathtaking aroma that fills the air. The 'Fabiënne' tulip brings with it an intoxicating scent that will leave you longing for more.

In terms of care, the Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne' is a relatively easy flower to grow. It prefers well-drained soil and should be planted in a sunny spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Like all tulips, it is essential to provide adequate water during the growing season, ensuring the soil remains moist but not saturated.

This tulip is an excellent choice for adding a pop of color to your garden or even as a cut flower to brighten up your indoor spaces. Its vibrant red-dark red petals mixed with the yellow-medium yellow secondary color make it a versatile choice to incorporate into various floral arrangements. A bouquet of Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne' will effortlessly elevate any room's ambiance and add a touch of sophistication to your home decor.

In conclusion, Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne' is a remarkable tulip that combines a stunning red-dark red color with a marginate, bicolored distribution. Its fringed petals, impressive height, and captivating fragrance make it a standout in any garden. Whether you choose to admire it in your outdoor spaces or bring its beauty inside, this tulip is sure to bring joy and enchantment to your life. So, why wait? Embrace the beauty of Tulipa (Fringed Grp) 'Fabiënne' and let it become the centerpiece of your garden or floral arrangements today.

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