Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron

Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron
Flower color Black-black-N187A; Green-medium yellow green-151C
Flower diameter 9,5 - 10 cm
Lip color Brown-dark brown-200B
Lip secondary color(s) Green
Lipcolor distribution Multi-colored
Flower color distribution Dotted; Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) Brown-dark green brown-152D; Green-medium yellow green-154C

Introducing the Exquisite Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron

When it comes to stunning and captivating orchids, the Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron takes center stage. With its unique color combinations and vibrant blooms, this orchid variety is truly a sight to behold.

The flower color of the Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron is as mesmerizing as it gets. Its petals showcase a beautiful blend of black hues, creating a truly striking appearance. The deeper shade of black, known as Black-N187A, adds depth and mystery to the flower. Complementing this darkness is a splash of medium yellow-green (151C), providing a stunning contrast that adds a touch of liveliness to the overall look.

One of the most remarkable features of this orchid is its flower diameter, measuring an impressive 9.5 to 10 cm. The sizable blooms ensure that this Vanda species does not go unnoticed, demanding attention and admiration.

The lip of the Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron exhibits a rich dark brown shade (200B), which enhances the overall allure. Adding intrigue to the lip's appearance is the subtle presence of green, complementing the predominantly brown coloration.

What sets this orchid apart is its multi-colored lip color distribution. The fusion of brown and green in various patterns creates an intricate and captivating display. The lip color distribution truly exemplifies the beauty of nature's artistry.

Similarly, the flower color distribution is a spectacle worth reveling in. The Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron is adorned with dotted and multi-colored patterns, allowing for an enchanting visual experience. The combination of black and green is further augmented by the secondary flower colors of brownish-dark green brown (152D) and medium yellow-green (154C). These secondary colors work harmoniously to accentuate the overall floral design.

Cultivating the Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron is a highly rewarding experience for orchid enthusiasts. Growing under optimal conditions, this orchid variety thrives and rewards its caretaker with breathtaking blooms that are sure to captivate any viewer.

Ensuring the orchid receives adequate sunlight, water, and proper humidity levels is essential for its growth. Additionally, providing the required fertilizer and maintaining a stable temperature range contributes to the plant's overall health.

Whether you are an avid orchid collector or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, the Vanda Sunanda Cheetah Citron is a must-have for your collection. Its remarkable flower color, generous bloom diameter, and unique lip color distribution make it an orchid variety that stands out from the rest. Witnessing the intricate patterns and colors unfold on each bloom is a mesmerizing experience that will leave you in awe of nature's extraordinary craftsmanship.

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