Verbena 'Venturi Pink'

Verbena 'Venturi Pink'
Leaf margin Erose
Flower color Pink-dark blue pink-067C
Leaf, general shape Triangular
Flower diameter 2 - 2,5 cm
Plant height 10 - 20 cm
Leaf size 2 - 3 cm
Light conditions Sunny
Inflorescence diameter 5 - 10 cm
Plant, growth type Pendulous; Erect
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Unicolored
Moisture requirements Normal; Moist

Introducing the Charming Verbena 'Venturi Pink': A Petite Beauty for Any Garden

The Verbena 'Venturi Pink' is a stunning and delicate flowering plant that is sure to captivate any garden enthusiast. With its unique features and vibrant appearance, this plant is an excellent addition to any landscape. Let's take a closer look at what makes the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' so special.

One of the first characteristics that stands out is the plant's leaf margin, which is described as erose. This means that the leaf edges have a jagged or serrated appearance, adding texture and interest to the overall plant structure. The triangular shape of the leaves further enhances this plant's visual appeal.

The flower color of the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' is a beautiful shade of dark blue-pink, with the specific color code of pink-dark blue pink-067C. This combination of colors creates a lovely contrast and adds a sense of depth to the plant's appearance. The flowers have a modest diameter of 2 to 2.5 centimeters, making them dainty and perfect for adding pops of color to your garden.

In terms of size, the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' is a compact plant, reaching a height of 10 to 20 centimeters. The leaves themselves measure approximately 2 to 3 centimeters, making them petite and contributing to the overall elegance of the plant.

To thrive, the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' prefers sunny light conditions. As such, it is an ideal choice for gardens that receive ample sunlight. The plant's inflorescence diameter ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters, providing a generous display of beautiful flowers that will surely catch the eye of any observer.

In terms of growth type, the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' can be both pendulous and erect. This means that it can either hang down from planters, adding a cascading effect, or stand upright, showcasing its lovely blooms to full effect. This versatility ensures that the plant can adapt to various garden setups and design ideas.

The main color of the leaves is a rich, dark green. This deep hue adds a bold contrast to the vibrant pink flowers, creating a visually striking combination. The flower color distribution is described as unicolored, meaning that the petals display a consistent color throughout, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the plant.

When it comes to moisture requirements, the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' can tolerate both normal and moist conditions. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of climates and watering routines, ensuring that the plant can flourish even in regions with varying levels of rainfall or irrigation availability.

In conclusion, the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' is a delightful and versatile flowering plant that is certain to elevate the visual appeal of any garden or landscape. With its erose leaf margins, unique flower color, and compact size, this petite beauty is sure to make a statement. So whether you prefer a pendulous or erect plant, the Verbena 'Venturi Pink' has you covered. As long as it's exposed to plenty of sunlight and receives adequate watering, this charming plant will reward your garden with its vibrant and elegant presence.

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