Viola (Wittrockiana Grp) 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch'

Viola (Wittrockiana Grp) 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch'
Flower color Black-black-202A; Yellow-dark yellow-014A
Leaf, general shape Ovate (egg-shaped)
Flower diameter 6 - 6,5 cm
Plant height 5 - 10 cm
Leaf size 3 - 4 cm
soil pH requirement Neutral (pH 6,5 - 7,5)
Light conditions Sunny; Semi-shades
Leaf, main color Dark green
Flower color distribution Bicolored; Feathered
Moisture requirements Well-drained; Moist
Soil type Humus rich

The Viola 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch' is a stunning violet flower with a unique color combination of black and dark yellow. Its flower diameter measures between 6 and 6.5 cm, making it a medium-sized flower that stands out in any garden or floral arrangement.

This particular Viola plant belongs to the Wittrockiana Grp, which is a popular group of hybrid Violas known for their vibrant colors and beautiful bloom shapes. The 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch' variety showcases the classic ovate or egg-shaped leaves that are common among Violas. These leaves have a dark green hue, providing a charming contrast to the vibrant flower colors.

When it comes to growing conditions, the 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch' Viola thrives in neutral soil with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. It prefers light conditions that range from sunny to semi-shady areas. This versatile plant can adapt well to different light levels and can be placed in various areas of the garden.

In terms of size, the 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch' Viola plant measures between 5 and 10 cm in height, making it a compact and ideal choice for borders, containers, or even hanging baskets. Its small leaf size measures between 3 and 4 cm, giving the plant a delicate appearance.

For optimal growth, this Viola variety requires well-drained and moist soil. It thrives in a soil type that is humus-rich, which provides the necessary nutrients for healthy plant development. Adequate moisture is essential for the Viola 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch' to ensure its vibrant flowers and vigorous growth.

One of the outstanding features of this Viola variety is its flower color distribution. The blooms are described as bicolored and feathered, resulting in an eye-catching display of contrasting hues. The black and dark yellow combination creates a unique and mesmerizing flower that is sure to catch the attention of any observer.

In conclusion, the Viola 'Panola Xp Yellow Blotch' is a captivating violet flower with a black and dark yellow color combination. It has ovate-shaped leaves, dark green foliage, and bicolored, feathered blooms. With a height of 5 to 10 cm and a flower diameter of 6 to 6.5 cm, this Viola plant is compact and perfect for various garden settings. It prefers neutral soil pH levels, well-drained, moist soil, and can tolerate both sunny and semi-shaded light conditions. Its unique color combination and delicate appearance make it a standout addition to any garden or floral arrangement.

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