
Beautiful and decorative

Latin name Vitis
Alternative name Grape
Homeland Mediterranean basin
Family Vitaceae
Cultivation medium difficulty
Location in the open sun
Temperature the plant is thermophilic and hardy enough
Watering after planting in the first year and during drought
Flowering time May-June (non-decorative)
Height up to 5 m
Transplanting not performed
Appearance maintenance not required

The genus of Grapes (Vitis) consists of 70 climbing shrub species of plants, woody lianas, clinging with tendrils, among which the cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera) is the undoubted leader. Wine has been made from it since time immemorial. Here are represented species characterized by pronounced decorative properties, which is associated with the color and shape of the leaves. And the flowers blooming from May to June are inconspicuous, in a paniculate inflorescence. The Coigne grape (V. coignetiae) is a lush species that climbs to a height of 5 m. It has large leaves with a serrated edge, heart-shaped at the base, covered with brown pubescence on the underside. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, bright orange or purple in color. Flowers are collected in panicles. Black berries are inedible. The grape of David (V. davidii) is a species with shoots covered with thorny tendrils and heart-shaped leaves with a slightly bronze pigmentation, which acquire a red hue in autumn. Black edible berries ripen by autumn. Cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera), a vine with long (3-5 m), thin annual shoots and a powerful root system. It is cultivated everywhere, up to 5 thousand varieties are known, which are used for the production of wines, juices, and eaten fresh and dry. The grape also includes decorative forms with beautiful cut bright leaves with a purple hue, which in autumn turn into scarlet red, pink and bright orange. The fruit is a fleshy, juicy edible berry. The fruits are collected in bunches or clusters. In various cultivars, the color of the leaves is purple-red, and then in the fall it acquires purple or green tones.

The genus of Grapes (Vitis) consists of 70 climbing shrub species of plants, woody lianas, clinging with tendrils, among which the cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera) is the undoubted leader. Wine has been made from it since time immemorial. Here are represented species characterized by pronounced decorative properties, which is associated with the color and shape of the leaves. And the flowers blooming from May to June are inconspicuous, in a paniculate inflorescence.

The Coigne grape (V. coignetiae) is a lush species that climbs to a height of 5 m. It has large leaves with a serrated edge, heart-shaped at the base, covered with brown pubescence on the underside. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, bright orange or purple in color. Flowers are collected in panicles. Black berries are inedible. The grape of David (V. davidii) is a species with shoots covered with thorny tendrils and heart-shaped leaves with a slightly bronze pigmentation, which acquire a red hue in autumn. Black edible berries ripen by autumn.

Cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera), a vine with long (3-5 m), thin annual shoots and a powerful root system. It is cultivated everywhere, up to 5 thousand varieties are known, which are used for the production of wines, juices, and eaten fresh and dry.

The grape also includes decorative forms with beautiful cut bright leaves with a purple hue, which in autumn turn into scarlet red, pink and bright orange.

The fruit is a fleshy, juicy edible berry. The fruits are collected in bunches or clusters. In various cultivars, the color of the leaves is purple-red, and then in the fall it acquires purple or green tones.


The grapes are grown in the open field, tied to a wire, or in trellises. The best planting time is early spring; in areas where there are no cold winters, can be planted in the fall. Before planting, the soil is loosened deeply, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied to wide and deep planting pits. Observe the distance between neighboring plants 1-3 m. The planting depth of cuttings and seedlings is 50-70 cm. The soil is loosened after planting. In dry weather, planting grapes is watered. The grapes grow well on light, fertile soils. In the fall, grape bushes are covered with soil to protect them from the cold and avoid drying out. In the spring of next year, when the plant grows, this land is removed. On the 2-3rd year, trellises are installed, perennial and annually growing shoots are tied to them. Pruning is important primarily at an early stage of development, then it is carried out at the end of winter to remove diseased, damaged and old fruit-bearing lashes. The formation of the bush is carried out depending on the characteristics of the variety and the conditions for growing grapes.

The grapes are grown in the open field, tied to a wire, or in trellises. The best planting time is early spring; in areas where there are no cold winters, can be planted in the fall. Before planting, the soil is loosened deeply, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied to wide and deep planting pits. Observe the distance between neighboring plants 1-3 m.

The planting depth of cuttings and seedlings is 50-70 cm. The soil is loosened after planting. In dry weather, planting grapes is watered. The grapes grow well on light, fertile soils. In the fall, grape bushes are covered with soil to protect them from the cold and avoid drying out. In the spring of next year, when the plant grows, this land is removed. On the 2-3rd year, trellises are installed, perennial and annually growing shoots are tied to them. Pruning is important primarily at an early stage of development, then it is carried out at the end of winter to remove diseased, damaged and old fruit-bearing lashes. The formation of the bush is carried out depending on the characteristics of the variety and the conditions for growing grapes.


The grapes should be planted in sunny areas, as flat as possible, protected from cold winds.


In general, grapes are thermophilic and at the same time quite resistant plant and can withstand frosts of -15 °C. But it is very sensitive to late spring and early autumn frosts, due to which lignification is disturbed.


It is especially important in the first stage after planting in the ground, therefore it should be watered regularly in the first year. Watering is needed during particularly dry periods during the growing season. The culture does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil.


Propagated by seedlings, cuttings, grafting. The most common method is grafting to avoid damage by phylloxera, and cuttings and propagation by layering are used only for hybrids and American species. Seedlings - they are bought already grafted - when planting, they are buried so that the grafting site is 3-5 cm above the soil surface, otherwise the scion (the part located above the grafting site) will form its own roots.

Propagated by seedlings, cuttings, grafting. The most common method is grafting to avoid damage by phylloxera, and cuttings and propagation by layering are used only for hybrids and American species.

Seedlings - they are bought already grafted - when planting, they are buried so that the grafting site is 3-5 cm above the soil surface, otherwise the scion (the part located above the grafting site) will form its own roots.


The main diseases of grapes include powdery mildew, which causes the appearance of powdery white mold on the leaves. They get rid of it with the help of sulfur, dinocap, caratan and other preparations against grape powdery mildew. Mildew is very common, or downy mildew, which provokes the appearance of discolored spots on the leaves, they collapse, new clusters and whips dry out. Treatment with fungicides during the growing season helps. The grape infects anthraclose when the aerial parts of the plant become covered with spots, bumps, ulcers, surrounded by a purple border. It is recommended to destroy infected shoots, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or its substitutes. Bacterial cancer is not uncommon. Of the pests, in addition to the common phylloxera, the grape mite, grape leafworm, grape mealybug, grape mite, spider mite and other mites and moths cause damage. They are disposed of with the help of special insecticides.


Already grafted grape seedlings can be purchased from specialized nurseries, where they are carefully looked after and usually sold in good condition. There you can also get useful advice on the survival rate and growing conditions most suitable for your area.

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