Vriesea Intenso Orange

Vriesea Intenso Orange
Flower color Orange-medium orange-N025C
Plant height 30 - 40 cm
Inflorescence Spike (branched)
Plantdiameter 35 cm - 40 cm
Leaf width 3 - 4 cm
Leaf size 20 - 25 cm
Inflorescence length 20 - 25 cm
Inflorescence diameter 5 - 10 cm
Leaf, main color Dark green
Leaf colour, pattern Unicolored
Flower color distribution Multi-colored
Flower, secondary color(s) Yellow-medium yellow-009B; Red-dark red-042A

The Vriesea Intenso Orange is a stunning bromeliad plant, commonly known as the Flaming Sword due to its vibrant and fiery appearance. With its medium orange flower color, it is impossible to miss this beautiful plant.

Reaching a height of 30 to 40 cm, the Vriesea Intenso Orange is relatively compact, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Its inflorescence takes the form of a spiked branch, adding an interesting visual element to its overall appearance.

In terms of size, this bromeliad has a plant diameter of 35 to 40 cm, ensuring that it stands out wherever it is displayed. The leaves of the Vriesea Intenso Orange are another noteworthy feature, with a width ranging from 3 to 4 cm and a size of 20 to 25 cm. These dark green leaves provide a stunning backdrop for the vibrant orange flowers.

Speaking of flowers, the Vriesea Intenso Orange boasts an inflorescence length of 20 to 25 cm and a diameter of 5 to 10 cm. The flower color distribution is multi-colored, with shades of orange ranging from medium to dark. Additionally, the flowers have secondary colors of medium yellow and dark red, adding to the overall visual appeal.

The Vriesea Intenso Orange is a hardy plant that requires minimal care. It thrives in bright, indirect light and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. As with most bromeliads, it is important to avoid wetting the center of the plant, as this can lead to rotting.

This stunning bromeliad is perfect for adding a pop of color to any garden or indoor space. Its vibrant orange flowers and dark green leaves create a visually striking contrast that is sure to catch the eye. Whether used as a centerpiece or placed among other plants, the Vriesea Intenso Orange is a showstopper.

Whether you are an experienced gardener or a beginner looking to add some excitement to your plant collection, the Vriesea Intenso Orange is a fantastic choice. Its low-maintenance nature, combined with its stunning appearance, makes it an excellent addition to any plant enthusiast's collection.

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